Кафедра компʼютерно-інтегровані технології виробництва приладів ПБФ КПI ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Кафедра компʼютерно-інтегровані технології виробництва приладів ПБФ КПI ім. Ігоря Сікорського
Кафедра компʼютерно-інтегровані технології виробництва приладів ПБФ КПI ім. Ігоря Сікорського



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Maryna Filiippova

Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Engineering

Date of Birth: 1980

In 2003 she graduated from the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” with a master’s degree in Technology of Instrument Making.

From 2003 till 2006 took part in postgraduate studies at the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

In 2007 she defended the Ph. D.’s thesis in specialty 05.11.14. – Technology of instrument making entitled “Development of methods and means for automatic design of the assembly technology of axisymmetric frame-clamping units of optic-mechanical devices.”

2012 got the academic title Associate Professor.

Maryna works at the Department since 2006.

Research interests: product assembly technologies, automation of technological processes.

She prepared and wrote over 50 scientific articles, two textbooks, five guidebooks, 16 utility model patents, one copyright certificate.

Teaches disciplines:

Metrology and standardization
Materials science
Information and intelligent systems
Computer-integrated technologies in production
Fundamentals of information systems theory

Contacts: m.filippova@kpi.ua