Training on automation in biomedical diagnostic systems NEWS

The education of the department’s students continues, and along with it, the knowledge and skills of the department’s teachers are constantly being improved. In particular, the CITDP department senior teacher, Vonsevich K.P., recently completed a practical training course from the company FORVARDMED, the official distributor of radiological equipment and modern automated systems for biomedical purposes in Ukraine. During the lesson on “Automation and implementation of modern computer-integrated solutions in biomedical diagnostic systems,” the practical features of the functioning and operation of such automated biomedical devices as computer-integrated mammographic and diagnostic X-ray systems, portable ultrasound diagnostic complexes, automatic machines were considered for vacuum wound therapy and artificial lung ventilation, computerized solutions for operating equipment, etc. The acquired knowledge will improve the quality of teaching disciplines in computer-integrated and automated biomedical technologies. It will increase the general awareness of the department’s teaching staff in modern trends in the development of radiological and diagnostic equipment.