The selection of disciplines for the masters has started NEWS

The selection of disciplines for the masters has started

On September 23, 2023, a management meeting of the Department of Computer-integrated Technologies of Device Production took place with the first year of higher education students of the second (master’s) level of higher education groups PB-31mp and PB-31mn.

On the agenda were the issues of choosing the disciplines the applicants will study in the following semesters and appointing supervisors for final qualification papers.

Applicants were shown the discipline selection platform, provided the options and the selection algorithm, and presented the certificate programs offered by the Department:

“Computer-integrated technologies of device production”;

“Computer-integrated biomedical systems and technologies.”

Also, the head of the Department of Science and Technology, Professor Mykhailo Bezugliy, focused the attention of the applicants on some issues of organization of the educational process and scientific results of the applicants for admission to the defense of the final qualification work.

At the end of the meeting, a Q&A session took place, where students of higher education could ask questions about the organization of the educational process.