Professor of the Department of Instrument Making, Sc.D. Viktor Antonyuk took part, as an official opponent, in defense of the first thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy award, which took place at the National Transport University on 05/25/2023. NEWS

…The dissertation work on the topic “Improving the operational properties of transport means parts by applying for regular reliefs” was performed by a graduate student Ilya Rybak, under the supervision of Sc.D., Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Eduard Posvyatenko at the Department of “Manufacturing, Repair, and Materials Science” National Transport University.

The dissertation is devoted to researching the main directions of improving the functional properties of vehicle parts due to micro- and macro-reliefs applied to the parts’ surface, combined with regular surface reliefs.

The author proposed the formation of regular reliefs for preparing the surfaces of the part for the application of coatings, including film anti-friction ones, for applying complex labyrinths, in particular discrete ones, on the covers of parts of friction pairs for lubricants, and for creating reinforced bearing surfaces of dual-purpose products, as well as for obtaining profiles on surfaces details of aesthetic purpose.

Irina Yakovenko, [30 мая 2023 г., 7:49:52 AM]:
