“Solidarity with Ukraine” NEWS

“Solidarity with Ukraine” – Polish universities associated in alliances of European Universities to help Ukrainian HEIs:

– organizations of exchange of students, post-graduate students, and scientific and pedagogical employers;

– participation in studio visits, internships, summer/winter schools, seminars, master classes, training, or intensive courses;

– participation in conferences;

– conducting joint research and scientific works;

– preparation of joint scientific publications, etc.

We invite students of higher education and employees of the department to join the program. More detailed information can be found at the link https://nawa.gov.pl/nawa/aktualnosci/solidarni-z-ukraina-polskie-uczelnie-zrzeszone-w-sojuszach-uniwersytetow-europejskich-pomoga-ukrainskim.

For a consultation, you can also contact the associate professor of the department Natalia Stelmakh.