Harvested “Sikorsky Challenge” for the CITDP Department NEWS

This year, three teams of students and teachers of the department with their projects were presented in the final part of the XII International Festival of Innovation Projects, “Sikorsky Challenge 2023”, which took place from October 24 to 27, 2023. Team 1: student of the PB-21mp group Roman Rogozhnikov, associate professor of the department Mykola Tereshchenko and head of Medintech LLC Mykola Chuhraev with the project “Automated Magnetic Therapy System.” Team 2: 2023 bachelor’s graduate Mykhailo Mykolenko and department chairman, Professor Mykhailo Bezuglyi, with the project “Exoskeleton for wrist rehabilitation”. Team 3: students of the PB-31mp group, Vladyslav Storozhenko, Ilya Rudkovskyi, and associate professor of the department Nataliya Stelmakh with the project “Positional myodrive for remote control.” All three projects were presented in the Biomedical Engineering and Human Health section. Our teams embraced the spirit of this year’s festival, which was dedicated to the introduction of innovative technologies to help and support our military and rebuild the country in the post-war period.

Keep it up! We invite the department’s students not to be observers and to present their ideas to the scientific, industrial, and commercial public! Creative inspiration to the students and teaching staff of the department!