Computer modeling of processes and systems. Optimization methods NEWS The textbook “Computer Modeling of Processes and Systems. Optimization methods” was published by the staff of the instrument-making department S. P. Vysloukh, O.V. Voloshko, G.S. Tymchyk, M.V. Filippova, is already available on the KPI library website. The textbook presents the most common analytical and numerical optimization methods and mathematical programming necessary for solving practical and scientific problems in various fields. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to the algorithmizing of optimization methods and the features of their computer implementation. The textbook consists of separate chapters; at the beginning of each, the essence of appropriate optimization methods, examples of their practical implementation, and sets of tasks for self-control and control questions are indicated, which will contribute to better material perception and assimilation. The publication will be helpful to students who study methods of computer modeling and optimization of processes and systems and can be used in course and diploma design, master’s theses, and scientific works by students, graduate students, engineers, and scientists. The electronic version of the textbook can be found at the link