3D Environment Artist NEWS

Studying at the instrument-making department and acquiring relevant knowledge and skills encourages students to be creative in science and art. The works of Volodymyr Pylypenko, 3rd year of the PB-01 group, who actively exhibits his employment as a 3D Environment Artist on well-known platforms such as ArtStation, deserve attention. As Volodymyr Pylypenko said: “While working…

The first Engineering “KPISchool” of 2023 was completed NEWS

From January 16 to 27, 2022, the student of group PB-02 Ganichev Nikita held a mini-course on the basics of C++ for students of grades 8-11 at the engineering “KPIschool” (https://t.me/KPIschool22/772). Here is one of the reviews: “Extremely excellent course. I’m happy I didn’t miss the announcement while scrolling through the news feed. Nikita is…

Students of the department are Health Hackathon certified participants NEWS

One of the largest all-Ukrainian hackathons, the Health Hackathon, was recently held in Lviv. Nikita Sheludko and Vladyslav Nyzhnyk, students of the PB-01 group instrument-making department, took part in it as part of the Healthup team with the project to support physical and psychological health mobile applications. Participation in the hackathon made it possible to…

“Solidarity with Ukraine” NEWS

“Solidarity with Ukraine” – Polish universities associated in alliances of European Universities to help Ukrainian HEIs: – organizations of exchange of students, post-graduate students, and scientific and pedagogical employers; – participation in studio visits, internships, summer/winter schools, seminars, master classes, training, or intensive courses; – participation in conferences; – conducting joint research and scientific works;…

New issue of “BULLETIN of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Series INSTRUMENT MAKING” NEWS

The next issue 64 (2) of the collection of scientific works “BULLETIN of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Series INSTRUMENT MAKING” was published (http://visnykpb.kpi.ua/). The publication is registered in the specialized publications of Ukraine List, category B? for specialties 151, 152, 153, 163, 173, is indexed in the international scientometric databases WorldCat, OpenAIRE, BASE, Index Copernicu and…

A new textbook on Computer Modeling. NEWS

Ihor Kravchenko, Volodymyr Mykytenko, and Grygori Tymchyk authors published the textbook “Computer modeling: systems and processes” (https://ela.kpi.ua/handle/123456789/48860). The theoretical principles of computer modeling, technologies for conducting computational experiments, computational errors, methods, and features of computer modeling in computer mathematics systems (CMS) “MATHCAD,” “MATLAB” for modeling processes and devices are considered. Theoretical and practical issues of…

The department continues cooperation with “Photonika Plus” NEWS

“Fotonika Plus” PE continues cooperating with the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. On October 26, a student of the Department of Instrument Making – Bataliya Bohdan – came to the enterprise to start work on his master’s thesis on the “Automated laser-surgical systems” topic (scientific supervisor, Ph.D., associate professor Tereshchenko…

Congratulations to our graduates! NEWS

On December 19-20, 2022, dissertation defenses were held in a mixed format in 293 classrooms of the 1st building under the educational and professional master’s training program in the specialty 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies. The following papers were presented for defense: Automated system for controlling the incisor stress state (Oleksandra Balyakina, supervisor: Ph.D., associate…