Industrial practice for students of the 4th year NEWS

On April 15, 2024, the department distributed students of groups PB-01, PB-02, and PB-z01 for industrial practice. The internship will last from April 15 to May 19, 2024, at the following enterprises: Estruder LLC, UNIPRIME TRADING HOUSE LLC, Kyiv Automation Plant LLC, Steel Argument LLC, AJASK SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING LLC, SPETSVEN LLC », NMC MedInTech LLC, ASAP SERVICE LLC, FIRE PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY LLC, TOREX-K LLC, ASKFOR LLC, AV 2016 LLC, Nezhit LLC, Ukrainian Messerschmitt LLC, Justus Liebig University Giessen, as well as the ASNK Department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Head of the CITDP department, Sc.D., Prof. Mykhailo Bezugliy, and Serhiy Zayets, assistants of the department, told the students about the requirements for writing practice reports and the stages of completing bachelor’s diploma projects.